PSAA’s 2022 client survey

2022 has been another very difficult year for local audit in England. It is important that PSAA gathers and understands the views of opted-in bodies on their audit experience over the last 12 months. PSAA’s annual survey is designed to obtain this feedback and is a key part of our Quality Monitoring and Reporting Framework.

We have again commissioned the LGA’s Research team to design and administer the survey on our behalf to ensure independence and transparency. We have retained last year’s shorter survey model that focuses on experiences of communications, the performance of audit teams, and audit resources and skills. It also includes questions to inform discussions about the purpose of local audit.

The feedback received from opted-in bodies on the quality of audit services being provided is vital and helps to identify areas for improvement. The results of the survey inform our discussions with the firms, DLUHC, the FRC, the NAO, CIPFA, ICAEW and other key stakeholders involved in local audit in England.

The LGA issued this year’s survey to each S151 Officer and Audit Committee Chair in the week commencing 6 March and is due to close on Monday 20 March 2023.

If you have any questions about the 2022 survey, please email