Audit Committee Annual Report 2023/24

A note from the Chair

This Annual Report highlights the work of the Committee for 2023/24 in order to achieve its Terms of Reference and provides assurance to the Board that it has done so. It also includes a brief look ahead covering possible areas of development.

At its core the Audit Committee plays a vital role in encouraging and maintaining a culture to support the integrity of governance arrangements, a review of risks and possible mitigating actions, and assurance over the organisation’s control framework.

Members of the Audit Committee have consistently demonstrated their understanding of the Committee’s role in this time of uncertainty. In another turbulent year for local audit, we have collectively provided robust and independent challenge to the processes, structures and arrangements surrounding PSAA’s audit, risk management, financial control, and its governance framework.

I would like to thank Committee members, officers, the internal and external auditors for their input and support for the work of the Committee.

I look forward to continuing the work the Committee members and the wider team carry out to provide assurance of PSAA’s working and governance environments.

Marta Phillips
PSAA Audit Committee Chair
17 June 2024

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