Purpose of the LAQF
PSAA set up the LAQF in 2017 to be a forum for Audit Committee Chairs and senior finance staff to work together and collaborate with others, share notable practice and so improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of audit arrangements and practices in their organisations.
Format of LAQF events
Until Covid, LAQF meetings were face to face meetings covering various topics over a full day, but since 2020 they have been on-line, lasting for up to two hours. The agendas are topical and focus on a particular issue. Whatever the format, we aim to make the events as interactive as possible and invite external speakers wherever appropriate.
In March 2022, we sought views on a move back to physical meetings, whether to change to a mix of physical and on-line meetings, or to stay with the on-line format. To-date there is a clear preference to remain on-line, and for these LAQF webinars to focus on a specific issue with an interactive Q&A session.
We continue to consider ways to develop our LAQF activity. For example, we know that Audit Committee Chairs change regularly and that one of the challenges for new postholders is to understand the external audit framework in local government, and so we are planning to offer a regular webinar covering the role of PSAA and how we fit into the wider environment.
Objective of the LAQF
Our objective is to enable a better understanding of local government external audit.
Financial Arrangements
The LAQF is directly relevant to the fulfilment of PSAA’s core functions so is funded from PSAA’s general revenues, therefore participation will be free of charge to opted-in bodies. Those bodies that chose not to opt in may be able to attend on request.