Additional information for 2023/24 audit fees

Appendix 1: Assumptions and mitigations that may affect the level of additional fee required at an individual body

ISA (UK) 240 – The auditor’s responsibilities relating to fraud in an audit of financial statements

  • No significant weaknesses have been identified in previous audits
  • Arrangements are stable
  • There are no major incidents in the year
  • The body has provided good documentation to support arrangements
  • The body has provided timely, relevant and comprehensive responses to audit queries
  • Significant weaknesses have been identified in previous audits
  • There have been significant changes in arrangements
  • There is a major incident in the year
  • There are weaknesses in internal control
  • Documentation to support arrangements is weak
  • Responses to audit queries are delayed and/or inadequate
  • Implementation of effective internal controls and in particular:
    • clear documentation of arrangements for prevention, detection and investigation of fraud
    • established arrangements for reporting of suspected frauds by employees and other parties
    • established arrangement for investigation of fraud
    • assurance over the operation of arrangements for prevention, detection and investigation of fraud
  • Effective engagement with the audit process through:
    • high quality risk assessment overseen by the Audit Committee
    • timely responses to auditor enquiries
    • prompt notification of actual or potential frauds to the auditor

ISA (UK) 250 – Consideration of laws and regulations
in an audit of financial statements

  • No significant weaknesses have been identified in previous audits
  • Arrangements are stable
  • The body has provided good documentation
  • The body ensures good communication with the auditor
  • Significant weaknesses have been identified in previous audits
  • There have been significant changes in arrangements
  • Documentation is unclear
  • Inadequate communication with the auditor
  • Effective leadership by the Monitoring Officer in:
    • identifying relevant law and regulations
    • documenting arrangements for compliance
    • advising the auditor on a timely basis of actual or potential breaches of law and regulations

ISA (UK) 315 – Identifying and assessing the risks of
material misstatements

  • The body has a well-documented assessment of inherent and control risks for assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures
  • The body does not have inherent risks for assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures that are unusual for the type of body in question
  • The body has clear documentation of the controls for assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures (including controls over journal entries, general IT controls and application-specific IT controls)
  • There are no significant changes in the controls for the assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures (including controls over journal entries, general IT controls and application-specific IT controls)
  • The body does not have a history of weaknesses in internal controls relevant to assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures
  • No significant weaknesses in internal controls relevant to assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures are identified relevant to the year of audit
  • The body does not have a well-documented assessment of inherent and control risks for assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures or the assessment is incomplete and/or out of date
  • The body has inherent risks for assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures that are unusual for the type of body in question
  • The body does not have clear documentation of the controls for the assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures (including controls over journal entries, general IT controls and application-specific IT controls) or the documentation is incomplete and/or out of date
  • There are significant changes in the controls for the assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures (including controls over journal entries, general IT controls and application-specific IT controls)
  • The body has a history of weaknesses in internal controls relevant to assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures
  • Significant weaknesses in internal controls relevant to assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosure are identified relevant to the year of audit
  • Preparing and keeping up to date a well-documented assessment of inherent and control risks for assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures
  • Preparing and keeping up to date clear documentation of the controls for assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures (including controls over journal entries, general IT controls and application-specific IT controls)
  • Promptly responding to and addressing any weaknesses in internal controls relevant to assertions relating to transactions, balances and disclosures
  • Implementation of effective internal controls and in particular:
    • comprehensive documentation of controls over transactions, account balances and disclosures
    • comprehensive documentation of IT controls, including general IT controls

ISA 540 (Accounting estimates)

  • No significant weaknesses have been identified in previous audits
  • No material accounting estimates other than for property, plant and equipment, pension liabilities and local taxation revenue
  • Arrangements for preparation of material accounting estimates are stable
  • The body has appropriately instructed experts to support them in preparing accounting estimates
  • They have validated the information provided to experts
  • They have considered the advice of experts and documented clearly the reasons for the approach that they have adopted in respect of material estimates
  • Any weaknesses in internal control relevant to material accounting estimates are minor
  • The body has provided good documentation to support material accounting estimates
  • The body has provided timely, relevant and comprehensive responses to audit queries
  • Timely and effective responses to interim reporting
  • Significant weaknesses have been identified in previous audits
  • There are material accounting estimates other than for property, plant and equipment, pension liabilities and local taxation revenue
  • There have been significant changes in arrangements for preparing material accounting estimates
  • Experts have not been instructed or inadequately instructed in respect of material accounting estimates
  • Information provided to experts has not been validated
  • There is no documented consideration of the advice offered by experts and the reasons for the material estimates chosen
  • There are weaknesses in internal control relevant to material accounting estimates other than of a minor nature
  • Documentation to support accounting estimates is weak
  • Responses to audit queries relating to accounting estimates are delayed and/or inadequate
  • There are circumstances that require consideration of non-standard reporting in respect of accounting estimates
  • Delayed and/or ineffective responses to interim reporting
  • Implementation and high-quality monitoring of implementation of agreed actions in response to previous audits
  • Early and open engagement on changes in arrangements for preparation of accounting estimates
  • Engagement and appropriate instruction of experts in respect of accounting estimates
  • Validation of information provided to experts in respect of accounting estimates
  • Documentation of their consideration of advice offered by experts in respect of accounting estimates and the reasons for material estimates chosen
  • Preparation of high-quality documentation to support material accounting estimates
  • Establishment of effective arrangements for responding to audit queries
  • Effective arrangements for timely and comprehensive consideration of interim reporting
  • Implementation of effective internal controls and in particular:
    • systematic documentation of estimates by reference to criteria in the auditing standard
    • early engagement of appropriate experts where in-house expertise is not available
    • preparation of appropriate, relevant instructions by reference to the financial reporting framework
    • demonstrable quality assurance of data used for preparing estimates
    • evidence review of estimates by senior officers and audit committee or equivalent

ISA (UK) 600 – Special considerations – audits of group financial statement

  • No significant issues have been identified in previous audits
  • Arrangements are clear and stable
  • There is good liaison with subsidiaries
  • Significant issues have been identified in previous audits of group or subsidiaries
  • There have been significant changes in group structure
  • Liaison with subsidiaries is weak
  • A documented assessment of the group boundary
  • Clear leadership of the accounts preparation process, including timetable
  • Liaison with subsidiaries so that there is:
    • alignment of accounting policies and year ends where possible
    • an understanding of the respective roles of the auditors of the parent and subsidiaries
    • complete and timely responses to queries from the group auditor

VFM arrangements commentary

  • No significant weaknesses have been identified in previous audits or planning
  • Arrangements for financial sustainability, governance and improving VFM are stable
  • There are no major issues in the year
  • The body has made only limited use of complex, unusual or innovative arrangements for service delivery (e.g. outsourcing, joint ventures, controlled companies, pooled budgets)
  • Any weaknesses in internal control are minor
  • Comprehensive and balanced description of arrangements for financial sustainability, governance and improving VFM in Annual Governance Statement
  • The body has provided good documentation to support arrangements in most areas
  • The body has usually provided timely, relevant and comprehensive responses to audit queries
  • Timely and effective responses to interim reporting
  • Significant weaknesses have been identified in previous audits or planning
  • There have been significant changes in arrangements for financial sustainability, governance or improving VFM
  • There is a major issue in the year
  • The body has entered into complex, unusual or innovative arrangements for service delivery
  • There are weaknesses in internal control other than of a minor nature
  • Limited and/or balanced description of arrangements for financial sustainability, governance and improving VFM in Annual Governance Statement
  • Documentation to support arrangements is weak
  • Responses to audit queries are delayed and/or inadequate
  • There are circumstances that require consideration of interim reporting
  • There are circumstances that require consideration of statutory reporting
  • Delayed and/or ineffective responses to interim reporting
  • Implementation and high-quality monitoring of implementation of agreed actions in response to previous audits
  • Early and open engagement on changes in arrangements and proposed complex, unusual or innovative arrangements for service delivery
  • Preparation of high-quality, comprehensive and balanced description of arrangements for financial sustainability, governance and improving VFM in Annual Governance Statement
  • Preparation of high-quality documentation to support arrangements
  • Establishment of effective arrangements for responding to audit queries
  • Effective arrangements for timely and comprehensive consideration of interim reporting
  • Implementation of effective internal controls and in particular:
    • maintenance of high quality, up-to-date documentation of internal controls
    • appropriate documentation of support for, challenge in making, and reasons for major decisions
    • effective communication and dialogue with the external auditor
  • Implementation of an effective system of financial management and in particular:
    • maintenance of high quality, up-to-date documentation of risks and associated mitigation, including for risks relating to complex arrangements
    • clear documentation of the financial implications of other plans and initiatives
    • effective communication and dialogue with the external auditor
  • Implementation of an effective performance management framework and in particular:
    • evidenced consideration of comprehensive performance management reports covering all relevant areas
    • effective communication and dialogue with the external auditor

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