2024/25 KPIs and payment milestones

We have adjusted some KPIs within the audit services contract and the first payment milestone to reflect the government’s decision to introduce backstop dates for the delivery of audit opinions, as part of its solution to restore timely audit delivery. We have also added a new KPI relating to the production of the draft Annual Auditors Report to align with the new Code of Audit Practice.

The list of KPIs and payment milestones for 2024/25 audits are set out below.

KPIDetails for 2024/25 auditsKPI measure
KPI_01Draft audit plans produced by 30 April 2025100% of audits (where the 2023/24 audit opinion was given by the backstop date)
KPI_0250% planned hours delivered by 30 September 2025 90% of audits (where the 2023/24 audit opinion was given by the backstop date)
KPI_0375% planned hours delivered by 31 October 202590% of audits (where the 2023/24 audit opinion was given by the backstop date)
KPI_04100% planned hours delivered by 31 January 202690% of audits (where the 2023/24 audit opinion was given by the backstop date)
KPI_05Where any opinion is unable to be given by the backstop date for whatever reason, written communication with the Audited Body takes place100% of audits (to reflect the introduction of a backstop date that removes the publishing date)
KPI_06Management of objections as per the Code of Audit Practice100% of audits
KPI_07Production of draft Auditors Annual Report by 30 November100% of audits
Payment milestoneFor 2024/25 audits
1st milestone
Paid on either prior year draft Auditors Annual Report or Opinion issued, but not before 1 December
2nd milestone Paid on issue of the Draft Audit Plan
3rd milestone Paid on 50% planned hours delivered
4th milestone Paid on 75% planned hours delivered