Additional information for 2020/21 audit fees

Next steps

We hope the information in this briefing is helpful to opted-in bodies and auditors to support discussion of new fee variations for new audit requirements from 2020/21.

Once the ongoing impact of each change in requirements is clear following the relevant implementation period, we will consider proposing national fee variations and, at the earliest opportunity, appropriate adjustments to scale fees. PSAA’s objective is to ensure that fee variations for ongoing audit requirements are included in the fee scale, so that individual scale fees reflect current audit needs.

We will also provide information for future audit years. At this stage, we envisage this would include the following future requirements, covered by our research but applicable after 2020/21 and for which we expect additional fees to be needed:

  • IFRS 16 (Leases): due for public sector implementation from 2022/23 audits; and
  • ISA 315 (Identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement): due for implementation in 2022/23. Our research concluded it is too early to form a view about the impact of this change in requirements.

We welcome questions or feedback on this document – please contact us at

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