PSAA news

  1. PSAA response to the FRC’s report on its inspection of major local audits in 2018/19

    PSAA takes very seriously the Financial Reporting Council (FRC)’s report on its inspection of major local audits (MLA) in 2018/19. PSAA agrees with the FRC’s statement that high quality audit is essential to maintain stakeholder confidence by providing an independent, impartial view of an MLA body’s financial statements and arrangements in place to secure value for […]

    Read more of: PSAA response to the FRC’s report on its inspection of major local audits in 2018/19
  2. Recording of Local Audit Quality Forum (LAQF) webinar with Sir Tony Redmond on 1 October 2020

    Sir Tony Redmond was the key speaker at PSAA’s special Local Audit Quality Forum (LAQF) webinar on 1 October 2020, attended by over 200 people. Sir Tony outlined the key findings from his recent review of local government audit and financial reporting and explained the thinking which shaped the recommendations in his report published on […]

    Read more of: Recording of Local Audit Quality Forum (LAQF) webinar with Sir Tony Redmond on 1 October 2020
  3. NEWS RELEASE: PSAA responds to the NAO‘s consultation on VFM arrangements guidance and Public Audit Forum exposure draft of Practice Note 10

    PSAA has responded to the NAO’s consultation on its Auditor Guidance Note (AGN 03) that provides guidance to auditors to support their work on value for money (VFM) arrangements. PSAA response to consultation on AGN-03 PSAA is supportive of the change to a VFM arrangements commentary in that it should enable auditors to add more […]

    Read more of: NEWS RELEASE: PSAA responds to the NAO‘s consultation on VFM arrangements guidance and Public Audit Forum exposure draft of Practice Note 10
  4. PSAA publishes the outcome of its market engagement exercise

    Following the conclusion of the market engagement exercise undertaken during June 2020, PSAA today publishes the summary of responses. We were delighted that all nine registered firms fully engaged. The exercise sought views from all registered firms to inform PSAA’s consideration of whether a further procurement would be appropriate in order to try to attract […]

    Read more of: PSAA publishes the outcome of its market engagement exercise
  5. PSAA to explore the potential to attract additional capacity into the market

    PSAA is today initiating a market engagement process, that will run from 1 to 30 June 2020, to seek views and feedback from audit firms registered with ICAEW or ICAS as local auditors under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. The aim is to hear from potential suppliers about their preferences in relation to […]

    Read more of: PSAA to explore the potential to attract additional capacity into the market