PSAA news

  1. PSAA welcomes the NAO’s report on the timeliness of local auditor reporting in local government

    PSAA welcomes the NAO’s report on the timeliness of local auditor reporting in local government. It is very important that solutions are found to the issues that the report highlights. PSAA commented on 4 December 2020 on the ‘serious and pervasive problems’ facing local audit when setting out the number of 2019/20 opinions that were […]

    Read more of: PSAA welcomes the NAO’s report on the timeliness of local auditor reporting in local government
  2. News release: PSAA consultation on a new approach to fee variations

    We consulted in November 2020 on changes to fee variations arrangements, to introduce a new approach for national variations where changes in audit requirements relate to the conduct of all or most audits and where a standard cost can reasonably be estimated across groupings of bodies. The consultation also set out a proposed increase in […]

    Read more of: News release: PSAA consultation on a new approach to fee variations
  3. Steve Freer, PSAA’s Chair welcomes MHCLG’s response to Redmond Review at Local Government Association Finance Conference

    Steve Freer, PSAA’s Chair, spoke to more than 350 delegates at the virtual LGA Finance Conference on Tuesday, 12 January.  The Conference was particularly well-timed coming so early in the New Year after MHCLG had published its initial response to the Redmond Review on 17 December. PSAA welcomes that MHCLG identified a raft of recommendations […]

    Read more of: Steve Freer, PSAA’s Chair welcomes MHCLG’s response to Redmond Review at Local Government Association Finance Conference
  4. PSAA congratulates Board member Caroline Gardner, awarded CBE in New Year Honours List

    PSAA is delighted to congratulate Board member Caroline Gardner who has been awarded a CBE for her services to the Scottish public sector in the 2021 New Year’s Honours List. Steve Freer, Chairman said:  “Everyone at PSAA is delighted by Caroline’s recognition in the New Year’s Honours.  She has been an outstanding Auditor General for Scotland and has made […]

    Read more of: PSAA congratulates Board member Caroline Gardner, awarded CBE in New Year Honours List
  5. PSAA response to the FRC’s report on its inspection of major local audits in 2018/19

    PSAA takes very seriously the Financial Reporting Council (FRC)’s report on its inspection of major local audits (MLA) in 2018/19. PSAA agrees with the FRC’s statement that high quality audit is essential to maintain stakeholder confidence by providing an independent, impartial view of an MLA body’s financial statements and arrangements in place to secure value for […]

    Read more of: PSAA response to the FRC’s report on its inspection of major local audits in 2018/19