The theme of our third LAQF event was practical help for Audit Committees. The event explored:
- what is it like being a new Audit Chair?;
- what are the challenges facing local Audit Committees?;
- what are the key issues to look for in your organisation’s accounts?;
- what can internal audit do to provide support?; and
- what support is available from CIPFA and the LGA?
There was also an update on the development of the NAO’s new Code of Audit Practice which prescribes the framework within which local auditors in England are required to carry out their statutory responsibilities. The new Code is expected to come into force no later than 1 April, 2020.
The programme included:
- Giles McNeill, Governance and Audit Committee Chair, West Lindsey District Council on what it is like being the new Audit Committee chair
- Diana Melville, Governance Advisor, CIPFA on how can CIPFA help the Audit Committee Chair and members
- Tim Watkinson, Principal Advisor, Local Government Association on how can the LGA help the Audit Committee Chair and members
- Stephanie Donaldson, Group Chief Internal Auditor, Government Internal Audit Agency on how can internal audit help the Audit Committee to deliver its remit
- Andrew Kendrick, Senior Manager, National Audit Office on the Code of Audit Practice
- Tony Crawley, PSAA Chief Executive on what should the Audit Committee look for in the financial statements
- Q&A Panel
The presentations are available to download: LAQF presentation slides – 10-7-2019 (London)