Contract management

  1. How far must an auditor not meet their contractual obligations before PSAA will intervene? Are there any repercussions for the audited body?

    There are no direct repercussions for the audited body, but we recognise the problems that delayed audits cause. The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 set out the requirements for publishing accounts. There is a statutory deadline for the publication of audited financial statements, but this is only applicable when the body has audited accounts to […]

    Read more of: How far must an auditor not meet their contractual obligations before PSAA will intervene? Are there any repercussions for the audited body?
  2. What is the process to feed in opinions of current auditors if there are issues?

    PSAA has a clear process for managing complaints, which sets out those areas that it covers. It does not cover matters of professional judgement. We have a Memorandum of Understanding with professional regulators (The Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales (ICAEW) as the Recognised Supervisory Body (RSB) and the Financial Reporting Council (FRC)), such […]

    Read more of: What is the process to feed in opinions of current auditors if there are issues?
  3. What are the arrangements for overseeing the quality of audit work undertaken by the audit firms appointed by PSAA?

    Firms and key audit partners must be registered with the ICAEW to provide local audit services, in accordance with the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. The quality of the firms’ work will be subject to scrutiny by both the ICAEW and the Financial Reporting Council (FRC). The FRC and the ICAEW have their own […]

    Read more of: What are the arrangements for overseeing the quality of audit work undertaken by the audit firms appointed by PSAA?
  4. How will the appointing person scheme manage a situation where an opted-in body is dissatisfied with its auditor and wants a change (e.g. because of quality, relationships, or a conflict of interest)?

    Where an opted-in body is dissatisfied with its auditor, concerns should be raised in the first instance with the appointed auditor’s Engagement Lead and subsequently with the firm’s PSAA Contact Partner (as indicated on communications between the auditor and the body). If the body is not satisfied with the response of the auditor, then the […]

    Read more of: How will the appointing person scheme manage a situation where an opted-in body is dissatisfied with its auditor and wants a change (e.g. because of quality, relationships, or a conflict of interest)?
  5. Where the auditor says they need to do more work why do bodies need to pay more, and how can they be sure that they are paying a fair price?

    Auditors are required to deliver an audit that complies with the NAO Code of Audit Practice, and PSAA’s contracts are let on this basis. Regulation 17(2) of the Local Audit (Appointing Person) Regulations 2015 states that where it appears to PSAA (as the appointing person) that the work involved in a particular audit was substantially […]

    Read more of: Where the auditor says they need to do more work why do bodies need to pay more, and how can they be sure that they are paying a fair price?
  6. What can I expect from PSAA once an auditor appointment has been made?

    PSAA will provide effective management of the contracts with appointed audit firms. Details of our contract management arrangements are on our website and in these FAQs under the topic ‘Contract Management’. We will meet regularly with the public sector leads at each contracted firm and ensure that matters concerning opted-in bodies are brought to their […]

    Read more of: What can I expect from PSAA once an auditor appointment has been made?
  7. In what circumstances can an auditor be changed during the five-year appointing period, and how does this differ from locally procured arrangements?

    The main circumstances in which PSAA will consider changing an auditor appointment during the five-year appointing period are: An eligible body appointing its own auditor may find it more difficult to change their auditor during the contracted period, not least because it would require undertaking a new selection and procurement exercise. It is important to […]

    Read more of: In what circumstances can an auditor be changed during the five-year appointing period, and how does this differ from locally procured arrangements?