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  1. November 2021 update

    Welcome to our fourth PSAA e-bulletin. This month we held the first of our market engagement webinars with potential suppliers, and the second in our Autumn Winter Webinar series which focussed on ‘Making Auditor Appointments”. We have continued to communicate on the preparations for next Appointing Period with an opinion piece from our Chair, Steve […]

    Read more of: November 2021 update
  2. October 2021 update

    Welcome to the third PSAA e-bulletin. In the last month it has been confirmed that only 9% of local government 2020/2021 audit opinions were issued by the target publishing date of 30 September 2021. This is a very disappointing position and you can read more about it below. The current challenges provided the backdrop to […]

    Read more of: October 2021 update
  3. September 2021 update

    Welcome to the second PSAA e-bulletin. This month alongside outlining details of the opt-in invitation which we issued to all eligible bodies on 22 September, we are publishing the results of our annual client survey based on the 2019/20 audits. We also highlight the outcome of our research to consider options for national fee determinations […]

    Read more of: September 2021 update
  4. PSAA publishes its prospectus and procurement strategy and invites eligible bodies to opt in from April 2023

    On 22 September 2021 PSAA invited all principal local government including police and fire bodies to become opted-in authorities. At the same time it published its procurement strategy and prospectus for the national scheme from April 2023.  Both documents have evolved in response to the feedback provided by the market engagement exercise and consultation on […]

    Read more of: PSAA publishes its prospectus and procurement strategy and invites eligible bodies to opt in from April 2023
  5. PSAA response to MHCLG (now DLUHC) Local Audit Framework: Technical Consultation

    PSAA has responded to the DLUHC* consultation on the Local Audit Framework Local audit framework: technical consultation. It covered ‘proposals to implement the independent Redmond Review of local authority financial reporting and external audit.’ It builds on Department’s Spring Report Local authority financial reporting and external audit: Spring update. PSAA is committed to supporting the […]

    Read more of: PSAA response to MHCLG (now DLUHC) Local Audit Framework: Technical Consultation
  6. PSAA issues invitation to opt into the national scheme for auditor appointments from April 2023

    PSAA has invited all principal local government including police and fire bodies to become opted-in authorities. In accordance with the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Local Audit (Appointing Person) Regulations 2015 (the Regulations), PSAA has formally invited all eligible bodies to become opted-in authorities to the national auditor appointment arrangements for the […]

    Read more of: PSAA issues invitation to opt into the national scheme for auditor appointments from April 2023
  7. PSAA today has published the results from the second client survey

    PSAA has today published the findings of its second survey of audited bodies’ feedback on their audits, covering the 2019/2020 accounts. The survey results provide feedback as to how auditors have managed their relationships with audited bodies. The effectiveness of relationship management is one of the measures that we use to monitor the quality of […]

    Read more of: PSAA today has published the results from the second client survey
  8. Update on PSAA’s consultations on its plans for the second appointing period

    PSAA has today published a report detailing responses to its recent consultation plans for the second appointing period for the national scheme for local auditor appointments. The two important consultations gathered feedback on proposals for the national scheme of local auditor appointments from 2023/4, consulting with eligible bodies and other stakeholders on the draft prospectus […]

    Read more of: Update on PSAA’s consultations on its plans for the second appointing period
  9. August 2021 update

    As our preparations for the second appointing period accelerate, we have created this e-bulletin to communicate news of our progress, wider aspects of our work and other developments that are relevant to local audit. We will also highlight selected key industry events and news that we are aware of and believe may be of interest […]

    Read more of: August 2021 update