Summary of auditors’ work at NHS bodies 2016/17
PSAA has published a summary of the results of auditors’ work at NHS trusts and CCGs for 2016/17.
PSAA has published a summary of the results of auditors’ work at NHS trusts and CCGs for 2016/17.
Local government and police bodies throughout England will pay reduced fees for audit services following the results of a highly successful procurement process undertaken by Public Sector Audit Appointments Ltd (PSAA). Aggregate savings are expected to exceed £6m per annum, equivalent to a reduction of approximately 18% in the scale fees payable by local bodies.
PSAA continues to be on track with its procurement of audit services for opted-in bodies. The mandatory standstill period commenced on 8 June 2017 and will run until midnight on 19 June 2017.
PSAA will consult on and confirm auditor appointments to opted-in bodies from 2018/19 between August and December 2017, following award of contracts to audit firms in June. Appointments will be confirmed by the statutory deadline of 31 December 2017. To find out more about the appointments process and timetable, click here.
PSAA is on track with its procurement of audit services for opted-in bodies. The invitation to tender was issued as planned on 6 April 2017 and tenderers have until noon on 10 May 2017 to submit their responses.
PSAA has published the work programme and scales of fees for 2017/18 audits of principal local government and police bodies.
PSAA has received acceptance to its opt-in invitation from 483 authorities by the closing date of 9 March 2017.
PSAA has now received acceptances to its opt-in invitation from 448 authorities. Closing date to notify PSAA of your opt-in decision is 5pm on 9 March 2017.
On 14 February 2017 PSAA published the OJEU Contract Notice for the procurement of Audit Services for opted-in principal local government and police bodies in England.
We have added new questions B6 (the opt-in process) and D1 (auditor appointments) to the appointing person FAQs.