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  1. DLUHC to consult on proposals to set a local audit backstop date of 30 September 2024

    Simon Hoare, Minister for Local Government, announced in a letter to Clive Betts, Chair of the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Select Committee, the department’s intention to consult on proposals to set a backstop date of 30 September 2024. The backstop date will require local bodies to publish their audited financial accounts for all financial […]

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  2. Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 2 for 2023/24

    PSAA has published its Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 2 for 2023/24. We produce quarterly reports on our contracted firms, building up information as the year progresses. The data pack covers audit opinions, approved fee variations and electors’ objections as of 30 September 2023. The audit backlog continues to be extremely concerning. Only 5 out […]

    Read more of: Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 2 for 2023/24
  3. October 2023 update

    This edition of our quarterly e-bulletin includes an update on the 2022/23 audit opinion delivery, news on our consultation on 2023/24 audit scale fees and a summary of local audit news from elsewhere. We hope that you continue to find our e-bulletin to be useful. We welcome your thoughts on future topics that you would […]

    Read more of: October 2023 update
  4. PSAA announces the number of audit opinions completed for the 2022/23 audits

    Local government bodies are required to publish accounts with an auditor’s certificate or opinion by 30 September or to explain the reasons for non-publication. At the publishing date of 30 September 2023, only 5 out of 467 local government bodies’ 2022/23 audit opinions have been given. This adds to the 456 that are outstanding from […]

    Read more of: PSAA announces the number of audit opinions completed for the 2022/23 audits
  5. Launch of DPS call-off competitions for local audit services

    Today we launched the following call-off competitions under our local audit DPS – with a tender return date of 17:00 on 19th October 2023: Call for competition: Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board (LMDB) (631349170-1) Call for competition: Hartlepool Development Corporation and Middlesbrough Development Corporation (HDC-MDC) (631349170-2) Only those suppliers already appointed to the DPS will receive […]

    Read more of: Launch of DPS call-off competitions for local audit services