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  1. Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 1 for 2023/24

    PSAA has published its Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 1 for 2023/24. We produce quarterly reports on our contracted firms, building up information as the year progresses. The data pack covers audit opinions, approved fee variations and electors’ objections as of 30 June 2023. The backlog of unfinished audits continues to be concerning, with 516 […]

    Read more of: Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 1 for 2023/24
  2. Local Government Minister Lee Rowley at the LUHC Select Committee

    On 17 July, Minister Rowley attended the latest LUHC Select Committee hearing for its inquiry into Financial Reporting and Audit in Local Authorities. The Committee has published the letter that the Minister sent in advance, which includes the latest position on proposals to address the significant backlog of local government audits in England. The letter […]

    Read more of: Local Government Minister Lee Rowley at the LUHC Select Committee
  3. July 2023 update

    This edition of our quarterly e-bulletin includes our recent webinar with Neil Harris Director of Local Audit, news from the Local Government Minister on action to address the backlog of local government audit opinions, and news of our consultation on 2023/24 audit scale fees. We hope that you continue to find our e-bulletin to be […]

    Read more of: July 2023 update
  4. CIPFA publishes guidance note covering the impact of triennial valuation statements

    On 17 May CIPFA published supplementary guidance covering the impact of triennial valuation statements received for IAS19 Employee Benefits Reporting for financial statements for 2021-22 and earlier years, where opinions on those statements have yet to be issued – CIPFA Bulletin 14 Supplement | CIPFA.

    Read more of: CIPFA publishes guidance note covering the impact of triennial valuation statements