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  1. Local Audit Quality Forum: Interview and Q&A with Neil Harris – 3 July 2023

    PSAA’s next Local Audit Quality Forum event is on 3 July. Neil Harris, the FRC’s Director of Local Audit, will be discussing the recent system-wide work to find a solution to the local audit backlog, with PSAA Chair Steve Freer. The event is aimed at s151 Officers and Audit Committee (and equivalent) Chairs. It will […]

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  2. Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 4 for 2022/23

    PSAA has published its Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 4 for 2022/23. We produce quarterly reports on our contracted firms, building up information as the year progresses. The data pack covers audit opinions, approved fee variations and electors’ objections as of 31 March 2023. The backlog of unfinished audits continues to be concerning, with 545 audit […]

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  3. April 2023 update

    This edition of our quarterly e-bulletin includes last month’s Public Accounts Committee evidence session on audit timeliness, our Business Plan, our Audit Quality Monitoring Report for 2022, and a summary of local audit news from elsewhere, including an important opportunity for you to have a say on how the Whole of Government Accounts process could […]

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  4. PSAA publishes its report on 2020/21 audits

    We are pleased to present our Annual Quality Monitoring Report for 2022. This covers the work of local auditors appointed by PSAA for the 2020/21 financial year, and is the third consecutive report undertaken during challenging times for all local audit stakeholders. We provide information from our quality monitoring arrangements on a quarterly basis throughout the […]

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  5. PSAA’s 2022 client survey

    2022 has been another very difficult year for local audit in England. It is important that PSAA gathers and understands the views of opted-in bodies on their audit experience over the last 12 months. PSAA’s annual survey is designed to obtain this feedback and is a key part of our Quality Monitoring and Reporting Framework. […]

    Read more of: PSAA’s 2022 client survey
  6. Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 3 for 2022/23

    PSAA has published its Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 3 for 2022/23. We produce quarterly reports on our contracted firms, building up information as the year progresses. The data pack covers audit opinions, approved fee variations and electors’ objections as at 31 December 2022. The fact that only 12% of audit opinions met the publishing […]

    Read more of: Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 3 for 2022/23