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  1. Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 4 for 2021/22

    PSAA has published its Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 4 for 2021/22. The pack provides updated information regarding audit opinions as of 31 March 2022. The main headlines for this quarter include the growing backlog of unfinished audits, with over 40% of opted-in bodies preparing their 2021/22 financial statements with the prior year not completed. […]

    Read more of: Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 4 for 2021/22
  2. PSAA publishes its report on 2019/20 audits

    We are pleased to present our Annual Quality Monitoring Report for 2019/20. This covers the work of local auditors appointed by PSAA for the 2019/20 financial year, which was undertaken during a difficult time for all concerned. We provide information from our quality monitoring arrangements throughout the year, publishing particular elements as they become available. […]

    Read more of: PSAA publishes its report on 2019/20 audits
  3. March 2022 update

    Welcome to our latest e-bulletin, and the main item is that an increased number of eligible bodies deciding to take up our offer of making an audit appointment on their behalf. Also in this edition we provide an update on our annual client survey and developments relating to local audit, along with final webinar of […]

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  4. PSAA announces that 99% of eligible bodies have opted in to its national auditor appointment scheme from April 2023

    PSAA has today announced that 470 (99%) out of 475 eligible bodies have joined its national scheme for local auditor appointments for the next appointing period, which will cover the audits for financial years 2023/24 to 2027/28. A full list of the opted-in bodies is available. PSAA invited all eligible bodies to join the scheme on 22 […]

    Read more of: PSAA announces that 99% of eligible bodies have opted in to its national auditor appointment scheme from April 2023
  5. February 2022 update

    Welcome to our sixth e-bulletin. We are really pleased to have already received over 330 acceptances of our opt-in invitation. The deadline for opting in is 11 March 2022, so please send us your completed Form of Acceptance before this date. We recently issued our annual audit survey and would encourage you to respond. We […]

    Read more of: February 2022 update