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  1. Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 3 for 2024/25

    PSAA has published its Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 3 for 2024/25. We produce quarterly reports on our contracted firms, building up information as the year progresses. The data pack covers audit opinions, approved fee variations and electors’ objections up to 31 December 2024. 69 audit opinions are outstanding for audits up to 2022/23, which […]

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  2. PSAA response to MHCLG’s consultation on local audit reform in England

    PSAA has responded to MHCLG’s consultation on Local audit reform: a strategy for overhauling the local audit system in England. The focus of the strategy is to develop a more cohesive system geared to the sector’s needs that provides assurance over the use of public money. It commits to a series of measures to fix […]

    Read more of: PSAA response to MHCLG’s consultation on local audit reform in England
  3. 2024/25 scale of fees

    Following consultation, PSAA has published the 2024/25 scale of audit fees for bodies that have opted into its national auditor appointment scheme. The scale fees for individual opted-in bodies can be viewed on the 2024/25 scale of fees page with a summary of the consultation responses.

    Read more of: 2024/25 scale of fees
  4. Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 2 for 2024/25

    PSAA has published its Contract Monitoring Data Pack: Quarter 2 for 2024/25. We produce quarterly reports on our contracted firms, building up information as the year progresses. The data pack covers audit opinions, approved fee variations and electors’ objections up to 30 September 2024. A further 38 audit opinions were completed this quarter, resulting in […]

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