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  1. Report on the results of auditors’ work 2017/18: Principal local government and police bodies

    PSAA has published its Report on the results of auditors’ work 2017/18. This is the fourth report published by PSAA and summarises the results of auditors’ work at 495 principal local government and police bodies for 2017/18. The report covers the timeliness and quality of financial reporting, auditors’ local value for money work, and the […]

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  2. 2018/19 scale of fees

    PSAA has published the scale of audit fees for 2018/19 audits for bodies that have opted into its national auditor appointment scheme. As proposed in the consultation, PSAA has reduced the 2018/19 scale audit fee for all opted-in bodies by 23 per cent from the fees applicable for 2017/18. The scale fees for individual opted-in […]

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  3. Report on the results of auditors’ work 2016/17: Local government bodies

    PSAA has published its Report on the results of auditors’ work 2016/17. This is the third report on the results of auditors’ work at local government bodies published by PSAA. It summarises the results of auditors’ work at 497 principal bodies and 9,752 small bodies for 2016/17. The report covers the timeliness and quality of financial reporting, […]

    Read more of: Report on the results of auditors’ work 2016/17: Local government bodies